About Us

Welcome to the online shop of Find You Within. My name is Jean Morrison, and I created Find You Within to connect people with simple, nutrient dense ways of living life: Finding truth in food, and Coping skills for stress. I am an experienced coach, speaker, self-defense instructor, and adaptive relational therapist. For over 35 years, I've helped people like you develop greater confidence in themselves; to heal, to grow, to overcome challenge, to live healthier lives.

Jean Morrison

Over the years, I've developed DIY Resilience under the Find You Within umbrella.

DIY Resilience

Resilience is unique to each individual because our body and minds are uniquely our own. Each of us inherited a unique set of genes from our parents that affects our temperament. We have our own lived experience and have developed patterns based on assumptions we made about life (real or imagined). And each of us is living our own life circumstance with all its challenges and benefits.
So, resilience is the ability to take a clear look at what is going on, find the best solution to challenges that honor your strengths and vulnerabilities, then returning to calm directly. It is living, growing, and returning to rest, the cycle of life at its core. Learn more here.


I want to thank you for visiting my online shop, and I hope you enjoy the original artwork on these individual pieces.